Monday, February 07, 2005

So much for weekly....

...perhaps monthly will end up being the go!

Life has been so full since the new job was confirmed - between that, getting ready for the baby's imminent arrival (7 weeks and counting) and doing all the normal "life stuff", the thought of sitting down to type more stuff when I've spent most of the day in front of a computer screen has been less than appetizing.

Briefily, the highlights of January:

1. I finally got a full time job offer. Started work on Feb 2 as an account director with Priority Management - a training & education company ( early days, but looks like it has the potential to move in a positive direction. Main challenge is that it's largely in Sydney, meaning separation from the family for most of the week. I'm staying with in-laws at Mt Colah, which means I'm only 90 minutes away from home - but it's going to be hard leaving the girls behind every day;

2. Spoke twice at church and then turned those 2 talks into 4 that were given at an in-service training for Lake Macquarie Christian College presented the week Australia Day fell;

3. Wrote 5 x 1,000 word articles on various human resource issues for client newsletters produced by a marketing consulting firm that specialises in the recruitment sector;

4. Attended 4 x 3hr ante natal classes to learn all there is to know about pregnancy, birth and immediately after having a baby (I wish). Classes were informative, but fatherhood looms large on the horizon and apart from a great love of children and lots of theory from devouring books, plus some practice on all my friends kids, I'm feeling ill-equipped to handle this 'new dad' thing. I guess all parents are!

V's parents were up last weekend to drop off a whole heap of baby clothes & other things from generous in-laws (e.g. travel cot). People have been so helpful and supportive - at least that's something I know I can count on to some degree when I'm not around.

V continues to blossom and is looking forward to finishing work in just under 3 weeks.

The lowlight was contracting some kind of throat bug that morphed into chesty cough that I've had for over 2 weeks now. In spite of gradually upping the ante from the pharmacist, it continues to hang on, so I've been to the doctor for the hard-core drugs. Hopefully they'll make an immediate difference - nothing like a scorched earth policy on your immune system to get results.

Anyhow, must dash - more articles, packing and drugs to partake of.


Blogger winstoninabox said...

It's Alive!

Glad to see you back on deck. BTW, what's with this "V" thing? You can't mean V for Victoria, can you? I'm sure I've been roasted over the coals for using this particular epithet.
Or was that something else?
Wait a minute, do I know you?

February 9, 2005 at 1:08 AM  

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