Saturday, March 19, 2005

17 and counting...

Hard to believe in less than a month another body will inhabit our cosy world. One that requires round the clock attention and care, but one that I'm sure will be a source of tremendous joy.

I've spent the last month immeresed in work induction (first performance review passed with flying colours), working (generating some good early wins and slowly building the right kind of client base), and spending whatever down time I can around the house gradually improving my appalling handyman skills.

I'm now house-sitting a place in West Pennant Hills in Sydney during the week when I stay overnight. It's closer to work, handy to some key shops, and gives me my own space in the evenings.

The best thing about the job is that it doesn't take a lot of headspace for me to do well. Main drawback is that until a Newcastle presence is solidly established (6-12 months away) weekends are about recovery and I don't have a lot of energy for outside activities (although exercise is slowly picking up)

Autumn is definitely here now - a week's worth of cool, cloudy days with occasional rain has certainly knocked the edge off summer. Our church community funday is at risk tomorrow as a result - if it doesn't run, that'll be 3 of the last 4 cancelled.

Anyhow, a day of domestics awaits - how life has changed from movies, musicals, plays and restaurants to domesticity...not that it's a bad thing :-).


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