Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Series of (Slightly) Dated Shots... Lydia (or Miss Lyddy, as we call her) barrels towards two.

The TT's have well and truly begun!

Cases in point:

1. Becoming fixated on liberating plastic dining untensils from playgroups and howling uncontrollably for up to 30 minutes in spite of numerous attempts to re-direct focus & attention;

2. Separation anxiety peaking with comfort needs firmly focussed on Daddy (i.e. 20 mins to calm down this morning after I left for work);

3. Vocabulary exploding at an exponential rate (multi-syllabic and multi-word sentences), with recognition of different types of the same object (e.g. cars, dogs, trees) in different media (e.g. books, TV & real life);

4. Strong drive to independence around an increasing number of activities (e.g. eating, stairs, car seats);

5. Persistence that beggars belief once her eye is set on something (think "will you take us to Mt Splashmore" on steroids).

I think of my friends who have recently grown their broods to 3 under 3 and 5 under 10 respectively, and my admiration grows exponentially for their capacity for unconditional love.

Yes, gentle reader, do not let the above pictures of calm and cuteness fool you - just beneath the surface lurks a dark side that has to be experienced first hand to be believed.

Yet even in the midst of poo-filled nappies and the 1,000th screening of Uncle Bernie's pirate multi episode Wiggles DVD are many moments of pure joy.

With only 4 working days to 2 weeks break and an uncertain full-time job future (hopefully clarity this week), I'm reduced to blogging in work time to fill the void between inevitable Ashes Victories (not my preferred use of my indentured hours, but is a mine of quality and up to date information).

Back to the grindstone...